E clinic

Consult for skin, hair and beauty related issues from the comfort of your home.

Provided by : Dr Dipayan Sengupta

Registration no : WB68137

Primary clinic location: Ranaghat,Naihati,Kolkata

Advanced booking fee: 495


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Choose a preferred time

Please choose a date & time which is given according to clinic timing mentioned above. We might call you and reschedule according to your convenience if your chosen timing is not available.

E-mail id(optional)

We will send you a booking confirmation.

Your preferred languages (English / hindi / bengali)

Select your phone no (10 digit), add country code if not from India

Your whatsapp no (optional)

Additonal comment

Please note that you are supposed to contact your doctor beforehand and should book appointment only after he/she tells you that your condition can be consulted onlie. You may find the clinic contact below.