
Before you buy another skin care product...

Try Custom skin care regimen by AI, based on thousands of prescriptions.

  • Ingredient analysis by dermatologists of 200+ highest rated skin care brands - both medical & cosmetic. Updated every month.
  • Based on 20+ factors unique to you (skin type, other diseases & the root cause of your problem)
  • Regimen that matches your monthly budget (that you specify)
  • Best regimen chosen for you from possible 4 million+ combinations.
  • More reasons to choose us

  • Ethical - We do not push our own brands. We do not have any! You can buy from any store or website.
  • Safe - All brands are curated by real dermatologists. We tell you when it's time to see a doctor.
  • Comprehensive - Get full regimen including lotion, sunscreen, facewash etc but only those required for you.
  • ×

    Launching new

    Evidence based skin care assistant

    Input your (or your friend's) skin care type, concerns and other health parameters to get evidence based skin care suggestions customized for you

    Based on scientific data only. Easily understand which regimen is good for you and why.

    Include OTC, home-care & prescription drugs advise so that you can discuss options with your dermatologist.

    ZERO sponsored advise. Unbiased & created by dermatologists.


    Let's say the input is : A 21 year old female with mild fungal acne. The skin is dry & sensitive.

    The result will include a cleanser, sunscreen, moisturizer, anti-acne medicine with detail AM and PM routine.

    Buy this if you are a..

    Skin care enthusiast

    Not happy with your facial skin

    Influencer and want to share authentic knowledge with your followers on social media

    Regular price: 1499 INR for 1 year license (personal use). Preorder today at 249 only.


    NEW! Get an expert second opinion for acne for 49 INR only (1 USD for international patients)

    Eligibility criteria: Acne on face (with or without chest/back) needs to be the ONLY problem you have. If you have multiple problems or similar bumps on other parts of the body, it is probably something else. In that case, use our regular request form (close this pop-up).

    It is not a one time prescription. Total treatment may take 3-6 months so total 2-3 prescription may be reqierd. But within 6 months, no prescription will cost more than 49 INR / 1 USD.

    Now open for international patients also. But our prescribed medicines may not be available in your country directly or may need a local prescription from a local doctor in your area.


  • Fill-up a form and send request on whatsapp.
  • Upload a few pictures as described on the form.
  • You should get a reply within 24 hours.
  • Consult now!

    Thank you for your interest!

    This service is not yet available and is currently being tested. If you want to get notified when it is available, please enter your email. We hate spam too!

    Thank you for your interest

    This book is under construction. If you want to get notified when it is available, please enter your email. We hate spam too!


    Please fill-up a 2 question only survey

    How did you choose skin / hair product in the past?

    Last time when you liked a skin / hair product why did you like it ?


    Please fill-up a 2 question only survey

    Last time you visited a dermatologist, how did you choose him/her ?

    Think about the last time you visited any doctor and liked him/her. Why did you like him/her (most important reason) ?

    Lights My skin my choice

    NEW! Get an expert second opinion for acne for 49 INR only (1 USD for international patients)

    Already using something?
    Get a trusted second opinion for free. Ideal for complex disorders or diseases coming back despite treatment. Works for any medical issues (not just skincare) except emergencies.

    Use access code: msmc001

  • Annonymous - Hide your identity
  • Detailed - Step by step recommendation, not single instant suggestion
  • Completely ethical - We do not sell medicine, lab or costly procedures.
  • Please note that this system gives detailed report on your condition as an expert opinion format but does not give prescription directly.

    Consult a dermatologist online through WhatsApp


    Skip to the process Can I trust online Where to buy medicine? Is it costly? time to improve?


    No app to download, just fill-up a form & get prescription within 24 hours. Then you can buy the medicine online or offline pharmacy of your choice.
    Apart from chronic diseases like psoriasis or vitiligo, most skin problems get better in 1-2 months, hair-fall is reduced in 3/4 months and difficult acne in 4-6 months.
    Consultation fee is 1200 299 INR only. 19 INR is booking fee and rest 280 INR when you get the prescription.

    Regular consultation

    299 INR

    Text based chat only. No video/audio call. However, you can send voice recording to explain your problem better.

    After initial booking, each prescription requires 280 INR needed as consultation fee.

    On demand chat based support based on availability.

    Capacity: Upto 10 new paients/day

    How to get started

    Fill-up the basic form and pay the initial booking fee (19 INR) to open the WhatsApp chat

    By default, you will be enrolled in the regular chat based consultation. If you are eligible, you will get a WhatsApp mesage to upgrade to premium service (OPTIONAL)

    How to choose: Certain disorders commonly need few months of treatment (and multiple prescriptions). Common examples are difficult Acne, fungal infection or facial pigmentation. Choosing a premium consultation in such cases will help us to treat you better and more holistically. Premium facilities are activated only after you purchase the prescription.

    Please note: Both our regular & premium fees are only for consultation and does not include the cost of medicines / lab tests those are needed.

    What do I get
    View pricing
    Watch quick demo

    Having doubts? Browse real chat history of annonymized patients who had problem similar to yours. We do not use fake testimonials by models.


    You can start by paying 19 only.

    In regular consultation, When full prescription is given, you will have to pay 280 INR more to access it, which makes the total consultation fee 299 INR.

    However, in our premium package, the consultation fee is 1999 INR. So an additional 1980 INR will be charged for the first prescription (however, all consultations and prescriptions for next 3 months will become free with that plan).

    We are temporarily not taking international patients and will re-open soon. It is expected to be around 5-10 USD or equivalent only.

    You can ask general questions in the chat for free but no medicine can be suggested without a prescription.

    What you get

    Accurate & unbiased prescription.

    On demand medical advise on WhatsApp for prescription validity period.

    Free personalized diet chart if required.

    Please note the following

    Please be patient. We will reply within 24 hours. You can reply in your free time. We do not need to be online at same time.

    Please fill-up the form correctly and carefully. It will result in faster & better treatment.

    19 INR is only the booking fee. Full prescription will cost 280 INR more in regular and 1980 INR more in premium consultation plan.

    About Dr Dipayan

    MBBS (Hons, Gold medalist), MD Dermatology (School of tropical medicine)


    Dr Dipayan Sengupta is an experienced dermatologist and is currently running this portal. His main practice area (offline) is in North Kolkata & various places in Nadia, North 24 parganas. He has successfully treated over 1 lakh patients from every parts in India and also from many countries specially africa, latin-america & south-east Asia. He is also a regular speaker in many national & international conferences.

    We do not sell our own products or lab tests. So you can be sure that our prescription is always ethical & free from bias.

    I still have doubts


    Thank you for your interest!

    Sorry this service is still not available. But we are working on this. Thank you for your interest.

    Please leave your email id if you want to stay updated. We will mail you when the service is launched.


    How can a professional consultation be free?

    Actually most queries do not need full consultation. Often we can answer it in a few lines of text. So therefore, it does not require any fees.

    However, if we feel that your case would require a full consultation and prescription, we would ask you to do it. In that case, we can refer you to a nearby dermatologist or you can also take an online consultation if that is possible for your case. Our online consultation fee usually varies from 300-700 INR.

    ফ্রীতে ডাক্তার দেখানো কিভাবে সম্ভব দাদা ?

    আসলে অধিকাংশ সমস্যার জন্যই পুরো প্রফেশনাল কনসালটেশন লাগেনা। আপনার কোনো একটা রিপোর্ট ঠিক আছে কিনা এটা একলাইনে বলে দেওয়া যায়।

    তবে যদি আপনার সমস্যার জন্য পুরোদস্তুর কনসালটেশন লাগে সেটাও আমরা অবশ্যই বলবো। আপনাকে সেক্ষেত্রে কাছাকাছি কোন ডার্মাটোলজিস্টের কাছে আমরা রেফার করতে পারি বা আপনি অনলাইনে ও কনসাল্ট করতে পারেন (যদি সম্ভব হয় )। আমাদের অনলাইন কনসালটেশন ফি সাধারন ভাবে ৩০০ - ৭০০ টাকার মধ্যে থাকে।

    How does the process work?

  • After sending your query, please upload photos and documents (if applicable).
  • You may get some questions in the text before the consultation period. Please answer in text or voice message.
  • The doctor may request for a phone call (or rarely video call) in your chosen time. It is usually not required if the diagnosis is clear cut.
  • A digital prescription link will be sent to you.
  • You now have to pay to view the prescription (most payment methods are supported, we can also guide you if you do not have online payment options).
  • After consultation, you can continue to ask any type of query until the next visit.
  • ×
    পদ্ধতিটি বিস্তারিত জানুন

    ১) আপনার প্রশ্ন পাঠানোর পরে ফটো এবং অন্যান্য ডকুমেন্টের ছবি পাঠান (যেভাবে বলা হবে )
    ২) কনসালটেশনের আগে আপনাকে কিছু প্রশ্ন টেক্সট করে পাঠানো হতে পারে। সেগুলি টেক্সট অথবা ভয়েস মেসেজে উত্তর দিন।
    ৩) এর পরে আপনাকে কখনো ফোন বা ভিডিও কলে যোগাযোগ করা হতে পারে (আপনার পছন্দ করা সময়ে ), তবে ডায়াগনোসিস নিয়ে সমস্যা না হলে অনেক সময় ই এই স্টেপ টির দরকার পড়েনা।
    ৪) কনসাল্টেশনের পরে আপনাকে একটি ডিজিটাল প্রেসক্রিপশন পাঠানো হবে।
    ৫) অনলাইন পেমেন্ট করার পরেই সেটিকে ওপেন করতে পারবেন। সমস্ত পেমেন্ট মেথড আমরা সাপোর্ট করি। কোনো অনলাইন পেমেন্ট মেথড না থাকলেও আমরা আপনাকে অন্য ভাবে পেমেন্ট করতে সাহায্য করবো।
    ৬) কনসাল্টেশনের পরে এবং পরবর্তী ভিজিটের আগে পর্যন্ত আপনি হোয়াটস্যাপ এ যেকোন প্রশ্ন থাকলে জিজ্ঞেস করতে পারবেন।


    Let's start

    Start for 19 INR only. Later, to access prescription 280 Rs more has to be paid.

    This is optional. A valid referral code will give you 20% off in first consultation.

  • You may chat in your language. But we can reply only in english, hindi or bengali at this moment.
  • For all answers, maximum length should be within 200 characters. If needed, you can write more in the WhatsApp thread after sending the message.
  • Move the slider to change your budget.

    *Calculated as the sum total of MRP of all suggested products. For creams/gels lowest pack size & for tablets one month's supply is calculated. All values are in approximate, can vary to some extent. We recommend atleast 700-900 for standard quality treatment. Set to 5000, if there is no upper limit.

    How much can you afford for your treatment (to buy medicine) per month?

    Your preferred language for audio call/voice message* ? Very rarely required if some info is not clear from chat.

    Choose your problem Choosing the option correctly will result in faster response & accurate prescription.

    When did it start?

    Pleaese mention the treatment you have taken so far. Also mention what are you using at present? You will be able to upload past prescriptions / photo of tube etc in WhatsApp later

    Pleaese describe the other disordrs you have like diabetes/heart disease etc. Also mention the medicine you take for them.

    Pleaese mention if you have any drug allergy.

    Why are you consulting online today?

    How did you know about us?

    Mention your 10 digit WhatsApp no along with country code (total should be 12). If from india, start with 91 (already set)

    Please give the WhatsApp number from which you will send the message (installed in this phone). If you have already sent a message before, open the chat directly from WhatsApp.

    Choose type of consultation

    You will have chat with the doctor through WhatsApp. By continuing, you agree to our terms of online consultation

    This is required to block spams & verify that you have genuine need for consultation. For any issue, you can send an email here.



    I am on good faith allowing my doctor to examine my images and treat me. I agree that online consultation has many limitations; but due to ease(save money as no traveling cost, save time as no traveling/waiting, no loss of my day to day work, can pay online, prescription is always legible) of the procedure (online consultation) I am giving consent for treatment. As online consultation done through personal mobile phone the onus of diligently protecting my data including images does not implies to the doctor or the company. My data including images can be used for scientific presentation in medical conference, seminar, meetings or research purposes to increase/promote medical knowledge though my identity should not be disclosed.

    I understand that multiple drugs can interact among themselves. I hereby declare that I will give full and correct information about all the medicine I take in any form and for any condition in the appropriate place.


    Should you consult in WhatsApp?

    How much of your skin is involved?

    For how long are you facing the problem?

    Please select if any of the following is true


    Regular consultation

    Where are you located?

    Which city/region is nearest to yours ?

    Are you sure about your skin problem/diagnosis?

    10,000+ patients from all over India got better through online treatment. These are real photos from few of them.

    Let's clear your doubts!

    The answers are according to the most common patient flow in our system. However, it may be slightly different in your case and may depend on the consulting doctor.

    Is it possible to solve skin or hair issues in WhatsApp ?

    Yes. Most skin diseases can be treated as picture is enough to diagnose for majority skin diseases. However, there are certain cases that must be examined in clinic. If we feel that your case can not be solved online, we will let you know that & will ask you to visit a good dermatologist nearby.

    What type of skin problems can be treated online ?

    Most skin and hair problems including acne, pigmentation, tanning, vitiligo, rosacea, fungal infection, melasma, acanthosis nigricans, hair fall, allergy & urticaria etc can be treated online.

    Are the doctors qualified here?

    All our doctors are MD in dermatology. Unlike many other portals, we do not include any alternate medicine doctors.

    How this process will work?

    For our chat service, You start by sending us a whatsapp message. Then in most cases, we ask you to upload some photo. Then we may send you some questions to answer. We usually start with one or two cream/ shampoo/ lotion etc that you may buy from any medical shops. We will share a full prescription if required.
    Phone/video call is usually not required (very rarely may be required if felt so by the doctor).

    How long will it take?

    We usually reply within a few hours, maximum 24 hours. As it happens within a WhatsApp chat, there is no wastage of time. You answer when you are free and we answer when we are free.

    How do I pay for my online visit ?

    You can start with 19 Rs only. Then if full prescription is required, it will cost an additional 280 INR*. If your case does not require a prescription or it can not be solved online, no further fee will be asked.

    *1980 INR if premium plan is chosen.

    How much is your fee ?

    Regular plan: For Indian patients, 299 INR total (19 for booking, 280 more if prescription is given). For international patients, it is 5 USD or equivalent at present.
    Premium plan: Total 1999 INR (19 for initial booking and 1980 when first prescription is given).

    Is my photo etc secured in WhatsApp ?

    Yes. WhatsApp is end to end encrypted. Moreover, if it’s a sensitive photo (like a photo of private parts), you can simply delete it from your end and it will be deleted from the chat. However, for most normal consults, we recommend that you keep the photo so that it helps during the next visit.

    No photo is needed to use our intelligent tools service!

    What if I have doubts later?

    Once you send a message in WhatsApp, later you can alsways ask any questions in the WhatsApp thread.


    Contact us


    32/1A Srish chandra chowdhury lane 700002, Kolkata

    You may reach us through

    Email : dipayan@whatdx.com

    Alternate email : undefined.santaaaaa@gmail.com

    Whatsapp : 8016519293



    Regular pricing is 499 299 INR for Indian patients (5 USD for international patients). However, it may vary due to certain factors.

    We have no fixed pricing for partner doctors (in case, we refer you to someone). Because, each doctor in our partner network can set his/her own fee. If the doctor wants, he/she can provide the consultation for free as well.


    About us

    Myskinmychoice is a tele-dermatology service that connects you with a qualified dermatologist through whatsapp.

    How does it work ?

    Send your request in WhatsApp and follow the instructions.

    If your problem can be solved online, the dermatologist will chat with you and will send you a prescription link.

    You need to pay the consultation fee to view the prescription.


    Cancellation / Refund policy

    Medical consultation is not a tangible good and therefore not refundable. However, if you are not satisfied with a particular doctor after consultation you should let us know by email or whatsapp.

    In certain cases, when you have paid the consultation fees , but unable to view the prescription, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. We have a transparent system to handle such disputes at the back-end and the issue should be solved without much delay.

    If you already have informed your doctor about any payment dispute but he/she did not take any action within 3 days, you may directly contact us also by sending an email to :


    Mention the following things in your email to speed up your review process.
    1. Your name
    2. Doctors name
    3. Date of consultation date.
    4. Transaction ID (optional) : If it was a failed transaction, you may be able to see it in the page where you were redirected immediately after the payment.
    5. Your order no (As we use PayTM payment gateway, you should be able to see your order ID from your payTM app → Go to menu → My orders → Find the order details (merchent name should be my skin my choice ) → Get order no. (it starts with ORDS)

    Disclaimer: Online consultation in any form is not a replacement of an actual visit to a dermatologist, nor that is intended for. To stay updated with our service, like our facebook page, or for any query/suggestion send a whatsapp to 9932575251.

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