Lights My skin my choice


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Chat with top dermatologists from Kolkata

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Whatsapp consultation is only for emergency and you should follow-up in person ASAP. All our dermatologists have specialization in modern mediicne (MD/DVD) - Check registration number to be sure, when in doubt please report to us.

E clinic

Provided by Dr Dipayan Sengupta (Registration no : WB68137)

Consult for skin, hair and beauty related issues from the comfort of your home.

Advanced Booking fee - 495 INR

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Dr Benugopal's e clinic

Provided by Dr Benugopal Mohapatra (Registration no : 18843/2013/OMC)

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Dr Mahimanjan Saha

Provided by Dr Mahimanjan Saha (Registration no : 65593)

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Provided by Dr Dr.sudip sarkar (Registration no : 79024)

Our clinic is open from 6pm -8pm... monday- saturday

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Provided by Dr. Ankur Ghosh (Registration no : 69455)

Our clinic is open 24x7.

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Pubali Clinic , Baruipur

Provided by Dr S B Das (Registration no : 49140 WBMC)

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Manju memorial doctors and skin clinic

Provided by Dr Sudip Das (Registration no : 50281)

Eclinic timings 8am to 9 am 8am to 9pm

Advanced Booking fee - 770 INR

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Provided by Dr Kingshuk Chatterjee (Registration no : 62127)

This e-clinic is open everyday from 07:00 PM-09:00 PM. Please keep all your documents ready before consultation.

Advanced Booking fee - 550 INR

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Provided by Dr VASWATEE MADHAB (Registration no : 21198)

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Dr Surajit Gorai

Provided by Dr Surajit Gorai (Registration no : 67100 WBMC)

For online consultation you can WhatsApp @9123856730. Doctor will give you time slot from 10am to12p everyday except friday.

Advanced Booking fee - 4400 INR

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Dr Das Skin Clinic

Provided by Dr Avijit Das (Registration no : 70648)

Monday, Tuesday, Saturday 8pm to 9pm

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Symptom checker for black spot

Suffering from an black spot ? Know possible diagnosis and home care tips instantly before visiting a doctor.

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Contact us


32/1A Srish chandra chowdhury lane 700002, Kolkata

You may reach us through

Email :

Alternate email :

Whatsapp : 8016519293



Regular pricing is 399 149 INR for Indian patients (5 USD for international patients). However, it may vary due to certain factors.

We have no fixed pricing for partner doctors (in case, we refer you to someone). Because, each doctor in our partner network can set his/her own fee. If the doctor wants, he/she can provide the consultation for free as well.


About us

Myskinmychoice is a tele-dermatology service that connects you with a qualified dermatologist through whatsapp.

How does it work ?

Send your request in WhatsApp and follow the instructions.

If your problem can be solved online, the dermatologist will chat with you and will send you a prescription link.

You need to pay the consultation fee to view the prescription.


Cancellation / Refund policy

Medical consultation is not a tangible good and therefore not refundable. However, if you are not satisfied with a particular doctor after consultation you should let us know by email or whatsapp.

In certain cases, when you have paid the consultation fees , but unable to view the prescription, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. We have a transparent system to handle such disputes at the back-end and the issue should be solved without much delay.

If you already have informed your doctor about any payment dispute but he/she did not take any action within 3 days, you may directly contact us also by sending an email to :

Mention the following things in your email to speed up your review process.
1. Your name
2. Doctors name
3. Date of consultation date.
4. Transaction ID (optional) : If it was a failed transaction, you may be able to see it in the page where you were redirected immediately after the payment.
5. Your order no (As we use PayTM payment gateway, you should be able to see your order ID from your payTM app → Go to menu → My orders → Find the order details (merchent name should be my skin my choice ) → Get order no. (it starts with ORDS)

Disclaimer: Online consultation in any form is not a replacement of an actual visit to a dermatologist, nor that is intended for. To stay updated with our service, like our facebook page, or for any query/suggestion send a whatsapp to 9932575251.

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